A familiar environment abroad with FIRST AID
A posting abroad is a new adventure for family life. In addition to cultural diversity, your family will also gain new impressions, experiences and adventures. Multilingualism provides enormous advantages especially for your kids and their future careers. You will only be able to focus fully on your project work if you don't have to worry about your home life. That's why FIRST AID with its extensive relocation services ensures that you and your family integrate quickly into your social environment. We support you individually with regards to your wishes and concerns to make sure that you feel completely at home.
A great environment for your children
Often it is very easy for children to get used to their new home quickly thanks to their routine and extensive daycare services. Our on-site managers search for suitable schools for school age children and support you with the selection process before you move. We look for suitable nurseries or childminders close to your home to make sure that the little ones are also happy. We do all the administrative work and establish the first contact with the nursery or childminders for you. You can decide on a public or private international facility, both options are open for you in your area.
Should you decide to use a public school or nursery, then FIRST AID will request the enrollment forms from the local authorities and we help you with completing them. We make the first appointment to get to know the school or nursery abroad and accompany you if you wish us to do so. It is recommended to take your child to this first orientation and introduction. In the run-up, FIRST AID can also search for suitable leisure activities for you and make the first contact easier. Furthermore, we also help you apply for child benefit abroad.
The fast integration of your partner
The career opportunities of a partner are often the greatest obstacle for a move abroad. And this is exactly the kind of obstacle we want to help you overcome. In a personal conversation with your partner our on-site managers will discuss what kind of expectations he/she has. Based on this, we are happy to help with the job search. Your partner has the option to do a language course in order to easily communicate in your new country. FIRST AID does all the administrative work and looks for a suitable language school.